2020-2022 Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin (without addenda) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Department of Mathematics
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Chair: Bruce Kleiner
Mission Statement
The undergraduate division of the Department of Mathematics offers a wide variety of courses in pure and applied mathematics taught by a distinguished faculty with a tradition of excellence in teaching and research. Most of the faculty is associated with the University’s Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, noted for its advanced training and research programs.
The Department
The department offers BS and MS degrees in Mathematics, as well as a BS degree with a dual major in Mathematics and Physics . Both degrees provide a student with a solid basis for future studies in mathematics or careers that require mathematical skills.
Bachelor of Science
Master of Science
Department of Mathematics
NYU Tandon School of Engineering
2 MetroTech Center, 865
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: (646) 997-3850
Web: math.nyu.edu/tandon
Department Heads
Professor Russel Caflisch
Professor Bruce Kleiner
Professor Oliver Buhler
Professor Matthew Leingang
Professor Elizabeth Stepp
Armstrong, Scott
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Partial differential equations, probability theory, and stochastic homogenization
Avellaneda, Marco
Professor of Mathematics
Applied mathematics, mathematical modeling in finance, probability
Bakhtin, Yuri
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Random dynamics, probabilistic models of mathematical physics
Bandeira, Afonso S.
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Applied mathematics, optimization, probability, information theory, signal processing, mathematics of data science
Ben Arous, Gérard
Professor of Mathematics
Probability theory, stochastic processes, partial differential equations
Berger, Marsha
Silver Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics
Computational fluid dynamics, adaptive methods for partial differential equations, parallel computing
Bogomolov, Fedor
Silver Professor of Mathematics
Algebraic geometry and related problems in algebra, topology, number theory
Bourgade, Paul
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Probability, random matrices, statistical physics and stochastic processes
Bühler, Oliver
Professor of Mathematics and Atmosphere/Ocean Science
Geophysical fluid dynamics, interactions between waves and vortices, acoustics, statistical mechanics
Caflisch, Russel
Professor of Mathematics; Director, Courant Institute
Applied math, PDEs, fluid dynamics, plasma physics, materials science, Monte Carlo methods, computational finance
Cappell, Sylvain E.
Silver Professor of Mathematics
Algebraic and geometric topology, symplectic and algebraic geometry
Cerfon, Antoine
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Magnetohydrodynamics in fusion and astrophysical plasmas, nonneutral plasmas, kinetic theory in plasmas and rarefied gases
Cheeger, Jeff
Silver Professor of Mathematics
Differential geometry and its connections to analysis and topology
Chen, Yu
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Numerical scattering theory, ill-posed problems, scientific computing
Deift, Percy A.
Silver Professor of Mathematics
Spectral theory and inverse spectral theory, integrable systems, Riemann-Hilbert problems
Donev, Aleksandar
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Multi-scale (hybrid) methods; fluctuating hydrodynamics; coarse-grained particle methods; jamming and packing
Fernandez-Granda, Carlos
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Galichon, Alfred
Professor of Economics and Mathematics
Optimal transport, mathematical finance, economic equilibrium
Gerber, Edwin
Associate Professor of Mathematics and Atmosphere/Ocean Science
Atmospheric dynamics, climate variability, stochastic modeling
Germain, Pierre
Professor of Mathematics
Nonlinear partial differential equations, harmonic analysis
Giannakis, Dimitris
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Atmosphere ocean science, geometric data analysis, uncertainty quantification
Goodman, Jonathan B.
Professor of Mathematics
Fluid dynamics, computational physics, computational finance
Greengard, Leslie
Silver Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science
Applied and computational math, partial differential equations, computational chemistry, mathematical biology
Gromov, Mikhael
Jay Gould Professor of Mathematics
Riemannian manifolds, symplectic manifolds, infinite groups, math models of biomolecular systems
Gunturk, C. Sinan
Professor of Mathematics
Harmonic analysis, information theory, signal processing
Hang, Fengbo
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Geometric analysis
Holland, David
Professor of Mathematics and Atmosphere/Ocean Science
Ocean-ice studies, climate theory and modeling
Holmes-Cerfon, Miranda
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Materials science, statistical mechanics, stochastic methods, computational geometry
Kleeman, Richard
Professor of Mathematics and Atmosphere/Ocean Science
Climate dynamics, El Nino, predictability of weather and climate dynamical systems
Kleiner, Bruce
Professor of Mathematics
Geometric analysis, geometric group theory and geometric evolution equations
Kohn, Robert V.
Silver Professor of Mathematics
Nonlinear partial differential equations, materials science, mathematical finance
Lin, Fang-Hua
Silver Professor of Mathematics
Partial differential equations, geometric measure theory
Lubetzky, Eyal
Professor of Mathematics
Probability theory and combinatorics
Lutwak, Erwin
Professor of Mathematics; Deputy Chair for Tandon
Convex geometry, geometric and analytic inequalities
Majda, Andrew J.
Professor of Mathematics and The Samuel F. B. Morse Professor of Arts and Science
Modern applied mathematics, atmosphere/ocean science, partial differential equations
Masmoudi, Nader
Professor of Mathematics
Nonlinear parallel differential equations
McKean, Henry P.
Silver Professor of Mathematics
Probability, partial differential equations, complex function theory
McLaughlin, David W.
Silver Professor of Mathematics and Neural Science
Applied mathematics, nonlinear wave equations, visual neural science
Miller, Edward
Professor of Mathematics
Differential topology
Mishra, Bhubaneswar
Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics
Robotics, genomics, finance, mathematical and theoretical computer science
Mogilner, Alex
Professor of Mathematics and Biology
Computational Biology, Cell Biophysics and Mathematical Biology
Newman, Charles M.
Silver Professor of Mathematics
Probability theory, statistical physics, stochastic models
O’Neil, Mike
Assistant Professor of Mathematics (joint appointment with NYU Tandon)
Electromagnetics, acoustics, fluid dynamics, fast algorithms, integral equations and computational statistics
Overton, Michael
Silver Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics
Numerical linear algebra, optimization, linear and semi-definite programming
Pauluis, Olivier
Professor of Mathematics and Atmosphere/Ocean Science
Climate and the general circulation of the atmosphere, moist convection, tropical meteorology, numerical modeling
Percus, Jerome K.
Professor of Mathematics and Physics
Chemical physics, mathematical biology
Peskin, Charles S.
Silver Professor of Mathematics and Neural Science
Applications of mathematics and computing to problems in medicine and biology, cardiac fluid dynamics, molecular machinery within biological cells, mathematical/computational neuroscience
Pirutka, Alena
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Arithmetic and algebraic geometry, number theory
Rangan, Aaditya
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Computational biology, numerical analysis
Rinzel, John
Professor of Neural Science and Mathematics
Computational neuroscience, nonlinear dynamics of neurons and neural circuits, sensory processing
Ristroph, Leif
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Fluid dynamics, non-linear dynamics, experimental physics, biophysics, and geophysics
Serfaty, Sylvia
Silver Professor of Mathematics
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Ginzburg-Landau equations, and variational problems from material science
Shatah, Jalal M. I.
Professor of Mathematics
Partial differential equations, analysis
Shelley, Michael J.
Professor of Mathematics, Neural Science, and Mechanical Engineering, and the Lilian and George Lyttle Professor of Applied Mathematics
Applied math and modeling, visual neuroscience, fluid dynamics, computational physics and neuroscience
Smith, K. Shafer
Associate Professor of Mathematics and Atmosphere/Ocean Science
Geophysical fluid dynamics, physical oceanography and climate
Spencer, Joel H.
Silver Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science
Discrete mathematics, theoretical computer science.
Sreenivasan, Katepalli R.
Professor of Physics and Mathematics; Executive Vice Provost for Engineering and Applied Sciences, NYU
Turbulence, complex fluids, cryogenic helium and nonlinear dynamics
Stadler, Georg
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Parallel scientific computing, inverse problems, PDE-constrained optimization, variational inequalities, computational earth sciences
Stein, Daniel
Professor of Mathematics and Physics
Theoretical condensed matter physics, statistical mechanics, and mathematical physics
Tabak, Esteban G.
Professor of Mathematics
Dynamics of the atmosphere and ocean, energy transfer in systems with many degrees of freedom
Tranchina, Daniel A.
Professor of Biology, Mathematics, and Neural Science
Mathematical modeling in neuroscience
Trefethen, Nick
Global Distinguished Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science
Tschinkel, Yuri
Professor of Mathematics
Algebraic geometry, number theory, automorphic forms
Vanden-Eijnden, Eric
Professor of Mathematics
Stochastic partial differential equations, statistical mechanics, turbulence theory
Varadhan, S. R. Srinivasa
Professor of Mathematics and the Frank Jay Gould Professor of Science
Probability theory, stochastic processes, partial differential equations
Wright, Margaret H.
Silver Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics
Optimization; scientific computing; linear algebra
Yang, Deane
Professor of Mathematics
Convex geometric analysis, Riemannian geometry, Partial differential equations
Yang, Yisong
Professor of Mathematics
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Mathematical Physics, Applied Mathematics
Young, Lai-Sang
Silver Professor of Mathematics and the Henry & Lucy Moses Professor of Science
Dynamical systems and ergodic theory
Young, Robert
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Geometric group theory, metric geometry, and quantitative geometry
Zeitouni, Ofer
Global Distinguished Professor of Mathematics
Zhang, Gaoyong
Professor of Mathematics
Convex geometry, Geometric analysis
Zhang, Jun
Professor of Physics and Mathematics
Fluid dynamics, biophysics, complex systems
Zorin, Denis
Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics
Computer graphics; geometric modeling; subdivision surfaces; multiresolution surface representations; fluid and solid simulation; perceptually based methods for computer graphics
Contract Faculty
Bhat, Vindya
Clinical Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Ramsey theory; combinatorics
Clarkson, Corrin
Clinical Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Hammoud, Naima
Clinical Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Kalaycioglu, Selin
Clinical Associate Professor of Mathematics
Computational group theory, representation theory of finite groups, mathematics education
Kolm, Petter N.
Clinical Professor of Mathematics
Data science, econometrics, financial mathematics, machine learning, market making, optimization, portfolio optimization, quantitative & systematic trading, risk management, robo advisory & investing, smart beta strategies, stochastic optimal control, transaction costs, and tax-aware investing.
Leingang, Matthew
Liu, Shizhu
Clinical Professor of Mathematics
Mathematics Education, Web Pedagogies, Differential Geometry
Clinical Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Majmudar, Trushant
Clinical Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Bio-fluid Dynamics, bio-locomotion, soft condensed matter
Manocha, Harvansh
Industry Professor of Mathematics, Courant Tandon
Special Functions of Mathematical Physics, Lie Theory and Special Functions, Fractional calculus, Quantum Algebras and q-Functions
Medina, Luciano
Lecturer, Courant Tandon
Oveys, Hesam
Clinical Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Stochastic processes, branching processes, mathematical biology, mathematical finance, and partial differential equations
Patel, Jigarkumar
Clinical Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Qian, Jinghua
Senior Lecturer, Courant Tandon; Director of Freshman Mathematics for Tandon
Probability and stochastic processes, statistics, analysis
Sia, Charmaine
Clinical Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Algebraic topology, homotopy theory, the theory of topological modular forms, structured ring spectra, forms of K-theory
Sondjaja, Mutiara
Stepp, Elizabeth
Clinical Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Optimization; interior-point methods; operations research
Clinical Associate Professor of Mathematics
Point-Set Topology; Continuum Theory
Van Wagenen, Lindsey
Senior Lecturer, Courant Tandon; Director of Sophomore Mathematics for Tandon
Dynamical systems, stochastic processes, nonlinear optics
Wielaard, James
Industry Associate Professor, Courant Tandon
Mathematical biology
Zhao, Fang
Lecturer, Courant Tandon; Director of Precalculus Mathematics for Tandon
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