1 Students must take at least sixteen credits of elective courses in the humanities and social sciences. The total number of humanities and social sciences credits (including EXPOS-UA 1 & 2) must add up to at least twenty four. Consult the Department of Technology, Culture and Society portion of the bulletin for details. At least one humanities and social sciences (HuSS) elective must be an Advanced Seminar Series course. And at least one humanities and social sciences elective must be an Ethics course.
2 A Physics Elective is any Tandon math or science course which is level 2 or higher starting with the prefix PH-UY.
3 A Math/Science Elective is any Tandon math or science course which is level 2 or higher starting with the prefix BMS-UY, CM-UY, MA-UY, PH-UY.
4 A free elective is any course in any department of the University for which the student has the prerequisites. Free electives may include internships for credit (CP-UY 2xxx or Study Abroad courses). A total of six internship credits may be applied to the BSME degree. Letter graded and pass/fail approved internship courses are allowable. All other Free Electives must be letter graded (i.e., A, B, C, etc).