2011-2013 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog (with addenda) 
    Mar 13, 2025  
2011-2013 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog (with addenda) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

MG 6243 Organization Development

3 Credits
This course surveys theory, research and applications related to the process of managing planned change in organizations. Organization development (OD) encompasses a variety of interventions and techniques, including strategic management sessions, team building, organizational climate studies, career development and job enrichment. The course addresses the practical application of group, inter-group and individual changes; planned structural revisions in formal organizations; and the dynamics of organizational change processes. Experiential techniques are emphasized.

Corequisite(s): MG 6013  or instructor’s permission.
Note: Distance learning available.

Weekly Lecture Hours: 3 | Weekly Lab Hours: 0 | Weekly Recitation Hours: 0