2013-2014 Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin (with addenda) 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2013-2014 Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin (with addenda) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Biomolecular Science

Academic advisers:
Gene DiResta, Tommy S. Lee and Bruce Garetz

Advances in biology, particularly at the cellular and molecular level, are changing the world. The basic knowledge of how nature functions to create and sustain life on earth is increasingly applied to advancing health care, to feeding an expanding world population, to producing cheap energy from renewable sources, and to cleaning the environment. Biology is the enabling science of the 21st century and is creating numerous future job-market opportunities. The BS in Biomolecular Science lies at the interface between biology and chemistry and builds upon the understanding of molecular-level biology. The curriculum also provides a strong foundation in mathematics and physics. This broadly based science education is a prerequisite for successful careers in industry and governmental laboratories and for professional or graduate studies in the biological sciences, medicine and other health-related fields.

The BS in Biomolecular Science has three options to meet diverse student needs. The Biomolecular Science, Biomedical Science Option, B.S.  provides students with the fundamental knowledge and skills needed to work in the rapidly changing, bio-related industries or to pursue advanced professional or graduate degrees. The highly innovative curriculum spans the boundaries between biology and chemistry and involves considerable exposure to research.

The Biomolecular Science, Biotechnology Option, B.S.  is oriented toward students who plan to work in the fast-growing biotechnology industry. The nature of the industry has changed dramatically in the past decade as technologies based on human-gene therapy and engineering take their place alongside the production of antibiotics, vaccines and hormones.  This option provides a large choice of electives that meet the specific needs and interests of students.

The Biomolecular Science, Chemistry Option, B.S.  combines an excellent chemistry education with a fundamental knowledge of biology, thereby preparing students to work in pharmaceutical and related companies. Graduates are prepared for positions at educational, research institutions and governmental laboratories. The research opportunities provided by this option prepare students to pursue graduate degrees in chemistry as well as degrees bordering on biology.

Goals and Objectives

The goal of the BS in Biomolecular Science is to provide the fundamental knowledge and skills to work and advance in the rapidly changing, bio-related industries or to pursue advanced professional or graduate degrees. This goal is reached with an innovative curriculum that spans the boundaries between biology and chemistry and through exposure to research. In this way, the program attracts and trains adaptable and active learners.

The BS in Biomolecular Science Option in Chemistry, with an approved selection of electives, is certified by the American Chemistry Society (ACS) to be a rigorous academic program, which is valued by potential employers and graduate schools. ACS-certified graduates are immediately eligible for society membership.

BS/MS Program

The BS/MS Option leads to the simultaneous awarding of bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Possible BS/MS combinations include a BS in biomolecular science with a MS in chemistry, bioinformatics, biotechnology, biotechnology and entrepreneurship, or biomedical engineering. The required courses for the two degrees include all courses required for individual BS and MS degrees, except for Senior Research Project II (either BMS-UY 4924  or CM-UY 4924 ); all curriculum footnotes apply. Required credits are the sum of the credits for the two degrees minus the 4 credits for Senior Research Project II. Students in this program must complete a Master’s Thesis. No Bachelor’s Thesis is required.

See the BS/MS Program  description for futher information.

Medical School Linkage Program

The SUNY Downstate Medical School has created a special opportunity for NYU-Poly undergraduate students to be admitted into their medical school provided the student satisfies the set of requirements put forth within the Premedical Linkage Program agreement in place between NYU-Poly and SUNY Downstate Medical School.  The program will admit up to four NYU-Poly students per year and is restricted to undergraduatestudents who began NYU-Poly as freshmen and who have selected SUNY Downstate Medical School as their first choice medical school. Transfer students are not eligible for the program. The program is not open to students considering the SUNY Downstate MD-PhD degree.

All undergraduate majors can apply, as medical schools seek applicants from a variety of academic backgrounds.The SUNY Downstate Medical School has created a special opportunity for NYU-Poly undergraduate students to be admitted into their medical school provided the student satisfies the set of requirements put forth within the Premedical Linkage Program agreement in place between NYU-Poly and SUNY Downstate Medical School. The program will admit up to four NYU-Poly students per year and is restricted to undergraduate students who began NYU-Poly as freshmen and who have selected SUNY Downstate Medical School as their first choice medical school. Transfer students are not eligible for the program. The program is not open to students considering the SUNY Downstate MD-PhD degree.

All undergraduate majors can apply, as medical schools seek applicants from a variety of academic backgrounds. 

Requirements for the Bachelor of Science

Biomedical Science Biotechnology Chemistry

Chemistry 35cr 35cr 38cr
Biology 26 18 8
Research* 8 8 8
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 0 0 4
Computational 3 3 3
Engineering and Technology Forum 1 1 1
Humanities/Social Sciences 26 26 29
Mathematics 8 8 12
Physics 10 10 10
Technical electives 13 21 17

Total 130 130 130

A minimum of 130 credits is required for the BS in Biomolecular Science.

*Students electing research must write an undergraduate thesis. Students not electing research may elect either:

  1. a 4-credit project involving literature search plus 4 credits of advanced technical electives or
  2. 8 credits of advanced technical electives



    Bachelor of Science